Actually it’s very easy to achieve this. Just traverse the visual tree upwards to find the root.
public static class VisualTreeHelper
public static ContentPage FindParentPage(Element view)
if (view is ContentPage page)
return page;
return FindParentPage(view.Parent);
This does what we intended to do, but… we can do better than that!
Maybe we don’t want to just find the (Content)Page, how about finding the root grid, or a parent of a specific type. We just need to take that function and convert it to a generic function, that’s all, and we are way more flexible.
public static class VisualTreeHelper
public static T FindParentPage<T>(Element view)
where T:Page
return FindParentElement<T>(view);
public static T FindParentElement<T>(Element view)
where T:Element
if (view is T page)
return page;
if (view.Parent == null)
return null;
return FindParentElement<T>(view.Parent);